Serving Salem since 1733

Go into all the world and

Preach the gospel

to all creation.

JUST ANNOUNCED!  St. Peter's-San Pedro to launch a one act play about the truth of Philip English!
¡ACABA DE ANUNCIARSE! La Iglesia de St. Peter's-San Pedro estrenará una obra de teatro en un acto sobre la verdad de Philip English!

tickets on sale now for our june release of...

your story Matters to God

Here at St Peter's-San Pedro, we know that everyone has a unique, personal story. The beauty of the Gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it a holy ending. That's why we proclaim Christ's word to all who will receive it!
Join us!

Latest Liturgy

Worship at St Peter's-San Pedro is central to our community of faith.  
Browse here to listen to a liturgy or join us weekly online
if you are unable to join us in person.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:00am in English &
12:30pm in Spanish.

On the last Sunday of each month we worship in one bilingual service at 10:30am.

First Thursdays

Multilingual Taizé Service
at 7:00pm


Bible Study online at 7:00pm.
Please call the office for the link.  
All are most welcome to join us!
St. Peter's-San Pedro in action in our community...