Serving Salem since 1733


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Children play a vital role in the liturgy at St Peter's-San Pedro Church. As mature or apprentice acolytes, they carry the processional crosses, Gospel book, candles, or incense as is appropriate to their age and abilities. Each Sunday, children can return to their pews after the procession or choose to stay in the chancel and assist with preparing the Holy Table.

There is a pew with children's books and toys (second from the back on the left side) for family use as needed. Noise and restlessness are not a concern at St Peter's-San Pedro. Our Rector was a handful as a child and knows full well that God can handle it.  

Sunday Mornings

9:00am in English12:00pm in Spanish

Last Sunday of every month: 10:30am Bilingual Service

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